I sometimes go over to Matthew Taylor's blog. I'm forced to think when I go over there; then I discover I have to work out what a lanyard is as well.
Now I find lanyards are more complicated than ever. Whole industries and Special Economic Zones are built around these things.
Then I have the sudden illumination that while hundreds of them have been thrown away into landfill from this house, they'd make great bag handles.
There you go. Social theory into practical action. Send your unwanted lanyards to me.
So the bag handles are lanyards. They combine all kind of interesting pincer-type clips and plastic snap things. I bet those clippy things have technical terms too, but I don't know what. From where I'm standing, they can snap round teddy's ear, or clip onto gloves or other useful stuff a toddler needs to tow around the world.
The jeans are those dreadful Maine jeans I bought for 50p at the RSPCA. Really, I would find it difficult to go lower than those, what with the string. I think the bag is the left leg.